A review by smaximiek
A Conspiracy of Alchemists by Liesel Schwarz


I wanted to like this. I did. The fundamental problem is that it read like a cross between extremely bad fanfiction and wanna be erotica - with questionable editing. You know, just to add insult to it all.

Ok, here is an example: Marsh, you honestly don't think that I am going to swallow all this wibble about magical women who rule the world?

Wibble?! I am supposed to give her bonus points for working in a partial Dr. Who call out in a book? Oh wait. Victorian era steampunk. No.

And this take place in a middle of the worse pivotal plot change moment ever. She has been Fighting her Destiny Loudly all along. And then its just...Oh! Well, because you said so! I will happily accept my destiny! Lets tally on then! Woot!

It was the most single boring change of mind I have ever read.

And lets talk about the romance. Oh dear lord. This read like a very bad harlequin novel here. I mean, it was...ok, it was drivel. By the end, when she was in negligee - uh, opps, I mean, toga - laying on a stone slab to be a sacrifice (NOT KIDDING HERE) I was waiting for this to turn into a bad sex scene - you could tell she just wanted to go there.

The closest thing to interesting in this book was the absinthe fairy. That is not saying much.