A review by trike
Occult Crimes Taskforce by David Atchison, Rosario Dawson, Tony Shasteen


This is an interesting idea, but we've seen it before. The story is somewhat muddled and the climax isn't exactly clear. It has some nice touches, but the main stuff isn't locked down.

As for actress Rosario Dawson getting an author attribution, that's a genuine mystery. This clearly isn't a vanity project of her, since it doesn't feel like she wrote it. Mostly it seems as if she merely sent the (superb) artist a bunch of photos so he could accurately portray her. (And the art is really impressive.) Maybe they needed a hook to get it published and she was hot at the moment? No idea.

Anyway, because of some of the story problems and Dawson's "Mary Sue but not really" appearance, I was going to give this 2 stars. As in, I didn't hate it but I'm not exactly going to recommend it, either. Then I got to the appendix. The multiple pages of the Occult Crimes Taskforce Manual are more interesting than the story itself. They remind me of really cool game settings for RPGs. I don't play those kinds of games, but I enjoy reading the manuals because of the world-building. There are a lot of cool ideas contained in that manual, with a rich history, a cool setting, and even a Fantasy explanation for why the Wappinger Indian tribe sold Manhattan for such a ridiculously cheap price: they were tired of all the demons and monsters there and made them someone else's problem.

That last part right there is enough to hang most comics and major motion pictures on.

So, 3 stars for the appendix. If you are into that sort of thing, check it out. And read the OCT manual first, because it will make the thin comic seem much fuller.