A review by prestonpre
A Sucky Love Story: Overcoming Unhappily Ever After by Brittani Louise Taylor

I'm not going to rate this book, because I don't feel like it's appropriate for me to rate it. Brittani is not an author, that is very clear by both reviews that have been left, and any blurbs you may read from sections of this book. The writing is juvenile, conversational, informal, and raw. It feels unedited and unpolished, but I don't necessarily find that a detriment.

This book needs to be regarded less as an autobiographical novel and more of a letter. A letter written with narrative flair, to serve multi purpose as a warning, a confession, and confidance. This is a letter written in desperation by a broken woman who needed her story to be known. She needed to warn others and protect herself, and in one fell swoop she was able to accomplish this.

I think, above all, this is a letter from Brittani to Brittani. A reminder of strength and confidence, and a reminder to always trust herself. How many times in the beginning did she say she never trusted him? She makes it a joke with herself, like so many of us joke with ourselves about emotions that we feel may come out of nowhere, or feel baseless.

She shows us that she had weaknesses and flaws, which so many people are now picking apart as if the most important thing about her story was her conservative view on sex or the fact that she appreciated an attractive guy. She may contradict herself now and again, but show me a single human on the planet who doesn't hold some hypocritical beliefs. Go on, I'll wait.

I followed Brittani on Youtube back in the days when she did all those sketches with Shane Dawson, and I remembered her as being sweet and funny and genuine. No one deserves to have this kind of horror visited upon them, but she certainly also doesn't deserve criticism from people who are focusing on the wrong pieces of an autobiography about the worst thing that has ever happened in her life.