A review by maplessence
Beard in Waiting by Penny Reid


We are having a (relatively) minimalist Christmas tomorrow and then going all out in the middle of January when my daughter and her partner come home. While waiting for my baking to bake (never a favourite activity of mine) I thought I would slot in a quick online Christmas read. So many of my GR friends have enjoyed the Winston Brothers series that I thought I would try this one - even though I don't find beards a turn on. My husband has one at the moment and it makes him look like a very grumpy Santa.

Reid has a real writing ability and I may try another of her books in the future, even though this short story came perilously close to a DNF for me. This was due to Diane's idea of what was appropriate for a Christmastime chat with her adult daughter - a chat Jennifer clearly wasn't enjoying. I just can't believe any sane mother would behave like that - and with romance when you take me out of the mood I stay taken out of the mood!