A review by aprilleigh
The Xibalba Murders by Lyn Hamilton


I'd have given it 5 stars if the characters had been less predictable. Of course, I love mysteries, so the problem might have more to do with my own familiarity with the roles that show up in every mystery. Still, the best writers go past the formulaic characterizations (shady characters that turn out to be good guys and helpful individuals who turns out to be bad guys). While I can't say I didn't see most of it coming, I still found the pacing and level of detail highly enjoyable. I also felt like I learned something about a fascinating culture, which was, by itself, enough to keep me reading. I will read more from this author (pity she's not around to add additional volumes) because, frankly, a well-constructed mystery where I can see the end coming is still a far better read than a poorly constructed one that leaves me guessing until the last page.