A review by nikathegoblin
When The Stars Alight by Camilla Andrew


I received an ARC in return for an honest review.

I have to say, i took my time reading this book. Honestly I don’t know why it took me so long but it surely took me by surprise finding myself in difficulty for the first time to get to the end of the book.
I’m not a fan at all of the omniscient-head bobbing narrator, so to me it was a true thrown back while I was reading the book and it truly left me feeling somewhat uncomfortable and confused the majority of the time. Adding a specific trigger warning of the book, I have to admit, I was quite unsure weather to continue the reading or not, but it ended up with a pleasant surprise, and now I’m happy I kept reading.

Having said so, now I will explain my rating further.
To “When the stars alight” by Camilla Andrew, I’ve given 3 stars, and this is my rating explained:
This was one of the few times I actually appreciated the main character without wanting to smack my head into the wall several times. I loved h how she represented the bisexual community and how much potential she has as a main character. In all honesty I found myself bonding with her and Lyra much more than with any other character in many other books.
While I saw most reviews judging negatively the prose and the far-too-long descriptions, I have to say that I quite enjoyed them and intrigued by them. Did they make the book sightly slower? yes. But was that a problem? Not to me, for I truly loved them and honestly they were to me the best parts of the book.
Now, I was waiting for something sightly more structured on the plot rather than the main character’s relationship, but i was completely blown a way by the worldbuilding even though some parts were sightly off and I didn’t grasp everything completely, however i sure hope to get to know better this world and all the other amazing characters in the following book!