A review by jasmyn9
I'll Be Seeing You by Suzanne Hayes


With so many of the country's men gone to war during WWII, the "war-wives" were encouraged to write letters to each other. Letters offering support and advice. Letters to show that they weren't alone. Rita and Glory were matched by the fates drawing a name from a hat, and there were perfect for each other. Both are struggling to adapt to their new life without their men around. Reaching out to each other half way across the country, they manage to forge a bond that saved both of them many times.

This is not a book to read quickly. It is meant to be curled up with in a nice comfy chair, bed, couch, blanket and take a few small sips every now and then. I found myself putting the book aside inbetween letters to let it all sink it. To try and imagine the anticipation they must have felt as they waited for the mail to arrive. It is something we modern folk don't experience much with email, facebook, and twitter connecting people instantly. This was a fantastic look back into ourselves and what it was like to wait - but wait in a good way.

I don't think I can really express how much I enjoyed this. It has been one of the highlights of my reading this year, and definitely makes the must read again list. I'm sure it will just as powerful each and every time I pick it up.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*
- See more at: http://hotofftheshelves.blogspot.com/2013/07/review-ill-be-seeing-you-by-suzanne.html#sthash.Pl9shzKJ.dpuf