A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Mind the Gap, Dash & Lily by David Levithan, Rachel Cohn


I'm not a feel good kind of person. I usually get bored because there's no magic or unicorn or dragon or whatever. However, I heard that Dash and Lily on Netflix was incredibly heartwarming and cute and at the time it was released I needed that. I started the series without high expectations and ended up loving it. And like a true booklover I therefore got myself all three books in the series. The first and second I read right away. I didn't get to the third one though. Time to make up for that!

I'm not entirely sure what to think of this book. I think the struggles Dash and Lily, both as a couple and as individuals, are facing are quite common. We all have those dreams and then once those dreams come true it seems that reality isn't half as pretty as the dream you had created in your mind. But while it made the issues this book is talking about realistic and recognizable I'm not entirely sure if they deserved an entire book.

In a way this book was a little TOO mundane even. We accept it because it's Dash and Lily, because they've been winning our hearts with their first story, with the book of dares, but still. Basically we're reading an entire book about two people who are doubting about their future and are trying to figure out what they want. And I guess there are stories where it's a very interesting search, but in this case it seemed to be a pretty easy search in the end.

Yes, Dash has been struggling through quite a few months, but this entire book takes place over three days and in three days he goes from bordering on depression to having it all figured out. So, the issues might be realistic, but the solutions, and the timeframe of the solutions, absolutely aren't. I guess that's why the book eventually feels so meaningless, even though the initial issues are very meaningful. Everything is simply solved too quickly and easily.

Basically this is a book that wasn't needed and doesn't add a thing. At least it was a quick and easy read.