A review by roguesmith
Bump in the Night by Meredith Spies


In brief: Julian Weems isn't having the best of luck at the moment. He loves being an anthropologist but after losing his dream job, opportunities aren't exactly coming knocking for him. Then his sister talks him into becoming a professional skeptic on a TV show doing paranormal investigations, and how hard can that be, it is all fake, right? Then he meets Oscar Fellowes, who just happens to be this cute Brit who is actually the real deal, a real medium who can actually see dead people. Add in TV and brother-in-law shenanigans and there you have it.

This is yet another new author to me, I picked it up because the whole premise intrigued me, I loved the idea of the whole paranormal investigation angle, and I'm glad I did. First of all, this book is fun. More than once I found myself amused by the antics of Julian and Oscar, and the interplay between them, and between Julian and Oscar's business partner and friend Ezra, and Julian's sister Cece. Julian eating a peach was a particular favourite, that did make me laugh out loud.

I loved the whole slow burn of the mutual attraction between Oscar and Julian, and that it wasn't forced but allowed to develop organically. Also really loved Julian slowly coming round to perhaps believing a little in ghosts, even though he was hired to be the skeptic, it was so good that he wasn't horrible about it and approached it in a more scientific way - which he is. Also loved that Oscar was the real deal, and I also hate all the bells and whistles of some of these 'paranormal investigations' so it was a refreshing change.

It's not 5 stars totally because I got a little lost with the huge cast of characters, both people and ghosts, and I also felt I wanted some more of the ends tied up. What happened to horrible Cynthia, did Thomas and Jacob actually end up paying for what they did?

That said, I loved it enough (and Oscar and Julian) that I'll look out for the next one when it comes.