A review by gardenofevils
Mr. Big Shot by S.E. Lund


It was very clear after about chapter two that I hated this book. I decided to hate read the rest of it just to see how bad it was. However, if you dislike character development and have to be told 27 times that someone was about to come into a "cool billion", want to sail around the world for a year on their catamaran and then want to go to Mars... than this book is for you. Who am I to judge?

This is the type of book where the "conflict" could have been resolved in one simple adult conversation. The hardship was so manufactured it was difficult to read at times. The female character thought it was appropriate to sneak away and "end the relationship" without saying anything due to seeing the male talk his ex fiance and then again a week or so later finding a photo buried deep in a drawer of said ex fiance. There was no indication that the male felt anything other than contempt for their ex and the female decided to come up with a ridiculous conclusions on her own. Oh and then she would sleep with the male again within 24 hours.

The end of the book seemed so rushed but I was glad it was over.

Seriously, don't read this book. It's not worth it even if it's free.