A review by jenelchang
The Hunted by Gloria Skurzynski, Alane Ferguson


The Hunted is a fascinating adventure. It's genre is mystery/adventure. It starts as a mystery because Jack and Ashley's family is trying to find out what is happening to grizzly cubs in Glacier National Park. But it turns into an adventure when Jack and Ashley find a Mexican boy (Miguel) who has crossed the Mexico-U.S. border three times, two out of three times he has been caught and sent back. The adventure begins when the trio stumbles over a duo of poachers tranquilizing a mother grizzly and her two cubs. My favorite character is Miguel because he is brave. Specifically, he crosses the border three times by himself without food or water just to get to Seattle. My favorite quote is "She's firing rubber bullets and firecracker rounds they won't hurt the bear." This quote relieved me because the park ranger wasn't shooting the bear with real bullets. If you care about the enviorment and helping it, then this is the book for you.

~ K.Shoe 7YO