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Good Intentions by Brenda K. Davies


I listened to the audiobook version of this book, and I enjoyed that with the different voice the reader used, you could tell who was talking. Each character was distinctively different.

The story was interesting.. the fact that her mother never liked her and then had been the one to turn her over was horrible, but yet I totally should have seen it coming. The way that River got her back in the end was perfect, it was one less thing she had to worry about.

Kobal is an interesting character.. I kept picturing him with red skin even though the book states multiple times what color it is.. he is a hard headed creature. I think what bothered me most about him was that he never explained anything to River. So many problems could have been solved by just talking and explaining things. Like the fact that she is his chosen. What does that mean? That he chose her or that she is his fated chosen? These details were never fully explained to River.

I think there could have been more of an explanation on how she grew her powers or how she figured out how to make each one work. That part was kind of left out.

I did however enjoy the little spicy bits that were throughout the book. They were well written and captivating.