A review by timhoiland
Fambul Tok by Sara Terry, John Caulker, Ishmael Beah, Libby Hoffman


Sahr and Nyumah grew up as best friends. But that was before the war.

While attempting to flee their village in eastern Sierra Leone when invading rebel forces attacked it in 1991, the two boys were captured and ordered to kill. Sahr was given a knife and told to murder his own father. He refused. The knife was given to Nyumah, and a gun was put to his head. Once he had killed Sahr’s father, Nyumah turned and beat Sahr to a pulp.

This was war, and it would be an 11-year nightmare...

- See more at: http://tjhoiland.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/JulyAug12PRISM-Hoiland.pdf