A review by mad_about_books
Blood and Mistletoe by E.J. Stevens


As promised in my review of SHADOW SIGHT, I immediately dove into the holiday novella "Blood and Mistletoe." I am really impressed with the research E. J. Stevens has done into the lore of monsters and fae. One of the things you can do when you read on Kindle is look up any word or phrase with which you are unfamiliar. I will confess that, although I am an avid reader of genre fiction, and have been for more years than I care to count, some of the names of creatures have been entirely new to me. They are NOT new to dictionaries and Wikipedia. In addition, this piece provides a pronunciation key and a description of all the beings about which she writes. I really wish more writers in the realms of fantasy and science fiction would do the same.

In "Blood and Mistletoe," we learn more about our heroine and her closest associates in Harborsmouth. Once again, our psychic detective is on the case, and on the side of good and justice. I am loath to give details about Ivy Granger because that would be a major spoiler that you, the reader, need to uncover for yourself. Would it be telling to say that she is not exactly what she seems?