A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare


This and other reviews can also be found on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews.

At the beginning of Clockwork Princess, Tessa is trying on her wedding gown, and at that moment, Gabriel Lightwood shows up to get help with his father, and Will’s predictions come true. Tessa insists on coming with her Shadowhunter friends, and what they find at the Lightwood manor is utter destruction! Gideon and Gabriel’s father has transformed into a kind of demon-snake, and he has just killed their sister’s husband and is wreaking havoc in the whole garden. They all need to fight together, and Henry is with them to see if he can find any clues in Lightwood’s office. What he finds there are chilling words about a clockwork army, and some demons that have to be killed. As Tessa shows up to help, her wedding gown ends up completely ruined.