A review by kara_hildebrand
Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland


Beautiful Mistake is Vi Keeland's new release. Vi is one of my go-to-authors. I read everything she writes. Beautiful Mistake was just…beautiful. I loved every word. Every second. Every page. A case of mistaken identity led to a crazy, funny, sexy, emotional love story. The writing is outstanding. The emotions, high. The sexiness, perfection. Caine meets Rachel while she's yelling at him, but something is familiar about her. He thinks she sexy and beautiful and feisty as hell. He's delighted and irritated to see her again the next day as his new TA for his class. This is going to be interesting. Rachel can't believe her eyes when she sees him. What are the chances that the stranger she yelled at thinking he was someone else would turn out to be the new professor she's working for. There's a connection and they both feel it. But, dating a TA is frowned upon. They have to spend time together for the class, but when the lines start to blur, what's going to happen? Caine wants Rachel, but he has a track record of hurting people. He just can't seem to stay away from her. Can they have just a physical relationship? What happens when their hearts get involved? I loved this story! There's so much emotion and coincidence and fate that my heart was beating out of my chest! Caine is sexy, dirty mouthed and jerky, but he's sweet, caring and a really good man. Rachel is smart, beautiful and tough. She has a sad past, but she's thriving and doesn't let Caine get away with crap. She speaks her mind and stands up for herself. I love reading about strong female characters and Rachel is awesome! They have crazy chemistry and once the story unfolded, I even got chills. What turns out as a mistake ends up being your destiny.

"As much as I fought it, and it's against every rule at work, nothing's felt this right in a long time. Maybe I couldn’t get you out of my head because you're supposed to be there."

"That sounds good to me. How are we going to celebrate?"
"Headphone sex."
"I have no idea what that is, but it came out of your mouth and had the word sex in it, so I'm game."
"That's my girl."