A review by sheznb
All Hearts on Deck: One Last Christmas by Gianni Holmes


Although I haven’t read the other books, Bailey was a new character to me.
And this story had me hooked from the first page!
It gives you the emotional ride you crave and ends with the warm fuzzies you need this time of year!!!!!
Arthur and Bailey’s chemistry sizzled from afar until one afternoon they tested their connection.

And damn if they didn’t have a hot connection!!!

But as they get on the cruise for Christmas and neither of them have contacted each other, stories are mixed up, passion is in abundance and Baileys past comes back to haunt him!

I fell in love with both of the MC’s.
Baileys past hurt and you really felt for the man. And Arthur you felt for him and being alone!
But together they now have the best future together with their family ❤️❤️❤️❤️