A review by marycfindley
The Emperor's Opal by Christopher Morgan


I even love the name, Preston Black. How can a non-magical advertising executive bring harmony to the world of vampires, Wizards and other magical creatures? With a good dark beer and a gifted and lovely young Wizard tucked under his arm Preston shows how far a little sarcasm and a lot of savvy can take a man. Preston's fine qualities take him first into the proprietorship of a magical emporium discreetly posing as a pawn shop in Hell's Kitchen. Next Preston sets out to find a magical opal on a whirlwind tour of the Holy Roman and Ottoman Empires. No, it's not technically time travel, but you'll have to read it to find out the truth, and experience old world and ancient world beauty and peril. Preston's story is a love story, too, and sweet Tammy doesn't stray far from her proper place both protecting and being protected by her hero and ours.

The author makes it clear that evil is real, but it isn't where we think it is, and it can develop from a surprising source. Some homage to Dungeons and Dragons in the book seems a little awkward because if ever there were dependable, lawful characters, they are the ones stuck with the label of Chaotic Evil in the book. But the story is about changing perceptions and labels. Evil is a choice, and the function of the neutral label in this book is to teach that a person, magical or not, has to be alert, perceptive, willing to learn and grow, and also ready to do something crazy and impulsive to find and stop the real evil.