A review by claudeclaudia
Queer Marxism in Two Chinas by Petrus Liu


“As queer people transform from victims to consumers, queer theory is no longer centred on loss, melancholia or other feelings associated with the AIDS epidemic. Instead, contemporary queer theory mourns the loss of radicality in queer movements, which have been taken over by the assimilationist logic of commodified desire.”
<3 <3 <3

“the phenomenon of gay normalisation, queer-liberalism, homonationalisation and homonormatity…are also attempts to rehumanise the queer without questioning our normative definition of the human.”

I am super biased because I knew I was gunna agree before I read it and I automatically adore any rejection of liberalism <<33
but it made me think about queerness + feminism and their relationships to selfhood in a way I never would have otherwise, and it is very well written and not overly inaccessible

I cannot recommend this book enough!!!!!!!