A review by multicoloredbookreviews
Touchdown Baby by Tabatha Kiss



It was ok, maybe a bit of a disappointment because I'd expected something different. The burb made it sound like the pregnancy would be the main focus of the story, or at least, it made me think that'd be the big conflict. This wasn't the case.


In reality, this was more of a forbidden-love type story.

I liked the set-up, how Junior was a manslut (by his own admission) and Alyssa made him work for it. I can appreciate a girl that knows her worth and won't just blindly jump into bed with any guy that's nice to her and shows a little interest. She wasn't a prude by any means, and even though they were off-the-charts horny for each other, she refused to instantly fall into be with him given she was dealing with years of trauma because of her father's manwhorish ways.


Still, on a scale from one to absolute moron, having unprotected (absolutely ZERO birth control used) sex with a guy who openly admits he enjoys sleeping around had to be one of the worst decisions ever. Forget getting pregnant, there's a myriad of other life-long consequences he (or her) could leave you with. It rubbed me the wrong way that neither of them cared enough to even ask the other person if they were safe. Fictional characters are allowed to be stupid, but ensuring your bed-buddy has a clean bill of health before tangoing without protection, should always be a priority.


There were a few other minor details that low key left me proverbially scratching my head, for one, Alyssa being a junior in college at age 19 and how her hair shined like gold but she was a brunette? Like, ok, fine, but still, that's a little weird.

There was repetition of some words (quiver comes to mind) and the dialogue switched between being fun and quirky to overly bookish (AKA not how people would talk in real lifeā€”case in point, every interaction between the leads ending in bye Junior/bye Ally).


Super predictable plot, but it still had its dramatic, angsty moments. Would have liked to see a little more bonding between the leads outside of the bedroom. A fast, steamy, mindless read.