A review by samstillreading
The True Story of Butterfish by Nick Earls


I don't really know how to describe this book. An episode in the protagonist's life? It seemed not to come to any resolution, but not to have anything terribly deep either.

Curtin is a musician, ex member of Savage Ga- no sorry, Butterfish, returning home after his band splits after a lacklustre third album. I'm still not sure what Curtis played- keyboards maybe? Anyway, he has to deal with his neighbour and her daughter's attentions, the neighbour's son's fish loving, his dad's death oh and, the lead singer of Butterfish descending on him. Although the arrival of Derek sends Curtis into a tizzy, not a lot seems to come out of this (nor from the neighbours).

I borrowed this from the library. If I'd have bought it, I would have been disappointed with the lack of resolution. Nick Earls writes very well, but not even nostalgic love for Australia could put this high on my shelves. Bachelor Kisses is much more humourous and the plot actually moves- I'd recommend this instead,