A review by chicagoliz
Diamond Ruby by Joseph Wallace


i really enjoyed this book, and I appreciate that overall, Mr. Wallace seems to do his research and gives us some good information about times and issues while giving us a good story (I also enjoyed his other novel, Invasive Species). There was, however, one error that threw me out of the story so thoroughly that I couldn't go back to reading it for a half an hour -- on page 361, I read the following line: "He lived on the South Side, not far from Wrigley Field." Oh, the travesty! Any Chicagoans will be upset to read this, and I would think someone with a good knowledge of baseball would see this error right away, so perhaps this was an unintentional error, although I don't know how it got by the editors. I assume he meant Comiskey, rather than Wrigley, as it would make more sense, but it's also possible he accidentally wrote "South" when he meant "North." I just hate errors like this, because they make me skeptical of other information in the book (even though it's a novel, it's historical fiction, and when there are purported facts, they should be accurate.)

Otherwise, I liked this story, and I liked Ruby. There is a note wherein the author stated he was working on a sequel, and if he ever does finish it, I would read it.