A review by quinn_0611
Captivated by Nora Roberts


After re-reading Charmed, the third book in the Donovan Legacy, I really wanted to go back and re-read Morgana's story. Captivated by Nora Roberts was another great re-read for me, but I do like Charmed more..

What I Liked:

  • Morgana is a heroine I can get behind. Not only that, but I would love to be her friend, because she will always be there for those she cares about.

  • I love how open Morgana is about who she is, especially with the fact that's she a witch. She never hesitates to tell Nash exactly who she is, even when he constantly doesn't believe her.

  • Nash was pretty great, too, although he certainly had some issues. He writes screen plays, and he's been very successful. He's totally into the peculiar, and because of that, he's always hearing odd stories, which is how he learns about Morgana, who claims she's a witch. So naturally, he has to go check her out.

  • It was hilarious to see Nash's preconceptions on who the local witch was, be so completely wrong. The first meeting between Nash and Morgana had me giggling and wanting to high-five Morgana.

  • Nash and Morgana have some serious chemistry, and I so wanted these two to be together, even when Nash was an idiot. What I really liked about the chemistry that Roberts' created between Nash and Morgana, though, was that, while there is physical chemistry, lust never felt like the main thing between them. And I really appreciated that.

  • I loved seeing Morgana's family, especially Sebastian and Anastasia.

What I Struggled With:

  • The spells. I mentioned this in my review of Charmed, but I just don't like the spells. And there are more spells in Captivated than there are in Charmed. I found myself being pulled out of the story whenever a spell came up.

  • Nash definitely had a few jack-ass moments, but I will say that he did redeem himself.

Final Thoughts:

Basically, I was really enjoyed reading Captivated by Nora Roberts again. It really stands the test of time, and never seems too dated.This review was originally posted on Quinn's Book Nook