A review by blurringpages
The Ivory Key by Akshaya Raman


Ahhh, this was so freaking cool. Why do I not see this book hyped more often?
This is an amazing YA Fantasy book.

4 siblings brought together to complete a quest.
The pacing was so good. I absolutely loved the Indiana Jones vibe from their journey.

Vira - is the Maharani and needs to find a new source of magic since the mine is running dry.
Ronak - Vira's twin, wants to escape the capital and start a whole new life.
Riya - Always arguing with her mother, so ran away and joined the rebel force to help the people.
Kaleb - Their half brother, framed for murder and locked in the dungeon.
All four are drawn back together from their own choices, have discovered a long lost map and now must go on a quest to find the Ivory Key.
This quest takes them through a very Indiana Jones journey with puzzles to solve.

It's excellent.
Read. This. Book!