A review by enchantressofbooks
Impulse by Dannika Dark


This and other reviews available at Viviana, Enchantress of Books

I read "Sterling" (bk #1) and "Twist" (bk #2) in the Mageri Series back to back and had to suffer the wait for "Impulse" the third installment. Definitely worth the wait! Dannika has outdone herself. Each book was better than the previous one and "Impulse" was fantastic!!

I've said it before, with the Mageri series, its a bit difficult to write a review without spilling the beans. Its such an awesome series, you want to share specifics as to why but again, don't want to spoil it for those that haven't read it (YET)!

I LOVED "Impulse". I devoured it! I even contemplated not going into work just to read it. Atlas, I did go to work, but woke up an hour earlier just to read it.

Silver and Logan's relationship has continued to develop and she has begun to truly understand what being in such a relationship would entail. you'll get to see things from both Silver's and Logan's side. Dannika has included some "real world" scenarios, making the Mageri world and the story more believable and real.

We do dive deeper into the Mageri and Breed worlds in "Impulse and get to even more new characters and breeds. I will say that many readers have been raving and wanting to know more about one new character specifically. Sorry, can't tell you anything else.... No. Really, I can't. It would spoil.... alright, alright. I'll let you know he's sexy and muah, muah, muah (evil laugh) that's all I'm saying!!

If you're a Justus fan, you'll definitely be happy and will love "Impulse" as we finally start to get some insight to this gorgeous, mysterious Mage.

There's action, romance, mysteries and you'll love it all.