A review by hdbblog
Allegra Fairweather by Janni Nell


My first thought after finishing this book? Allegra kicks some behind! She's funny. She's quick on her feet. She's a paranormal investigator for goodness sake! What more could you ask for? Allegra makes this book and I just loved every minute of her journey.

Allegra Fairweather: Paranormal Investigator is the type of book that is never dull. An extremely well written mystery/thriller, it gives you just enough to keep you following along without every revealing too much. I admit, when I opened to the first chapter I was worried some harrowing romance might ensue. I should have known better. Allegra is a woman with a mission! Men aren't part of that mission. Well except maybe Casper, but he's off limits.

My favorite part about this story was definitely the twists! With the paranormal slant thrown in, you're never quite sure where the plot is going and it makes for a really enjoyable read. I'm always disappointed when I figure out the ending of the book before I even get there. With this book there was no chance of that! In fact when I got to last few chapters my mouth actually fell open. WHAT? I didn't even think of that! (No spoilers here, but I promise it's great!)

If I had one complaint, it would be that I wanted to know so much more about Allegra as a person. Janni Nell does a great job of giving you bits and pieces of her past life throughout the story, but I craved more! I can only hope that there will be more Allegra Fairweather books to come and I can learn more about her in those. Oh, and Casper. I definitely wouldn't mind more Casper.