A review by captwinghead
Young Justice: A League of Their Own by Alé Garza, Peter David, Cabin Boy, Lary Stucker, Todd Nauck


Okay, this comic is dated. Like uber dated. Like some lingo I never even heard was used in it and I'm a 90s baby. Its interesting, lol.

It also does a thing I kinda hate which is where every character refers to each other by their codenames. Kon frequently calls Tim "Rob" which is a nickname based on his codename and I didn't like that. I was confused about Cassie being a brunette because I swear she has blond hair in other comics? Idk.

Anywho, David fooled around with some fourth wall breaking here. There were quite a few really bad jokes. Like not offensive just dad jokes? Tim talked like someone's middle aged stepdad. I'm trying to like this character, honest I am but he's quite the wet blanket here. Although, I think I finally pinpointed why Tim Drake doesn't work as a character for me: he's like Batman. He's super competent, highly skilled, intelligent, etc but he has little to no personality in 90% of the books I've read with him. Here, he just spoils everyone else's fun and that's sort of his only role. I had wondered if perhaps I just don't like straight man type characters but I adore Captain America and he does quite a few of the same things. Something about Tim just doesn't work for me. I hope that changes as the series goes on.

Anywho, I adore Kon. Kon's a dear. He's adorable, a little temperamental and protective over his teammates. I've decided to stan.

I was annoyed at how the women were written in 90% of this. Again, I hate when a female character's only personality trait is being boy crazy. A lot of Cassie's role here is drooling over Superboy and being jealous when he fawns over Arrowette. I should also mention Arrowette showed no interest in anyone (except Cassie, to be honest). It's so stupid, immature and honestly it just annoys me. Women have a lot more to discuss besides whether a dude finds them dateable. I hope Cassie gets over that soon. Because Cissie is adorable and they'd actually be adorable together (I'm pretty damn sure that doesn't happen though).

So, while dated, this was pretty interesting. Not gonna lie, all of Impulse's line were annoying to me. But I'll continue on because this series is okay.