A review by rainelle_barrett
The Princess and the Rogue by Kate Bateman


The Princess and the Rogue, by Kate Bateman. I am so glad to have read this book. This romance story played with my emotional heart strings and I loved every minute of it. In my mind I kept saying, “more, more”. “Give me more” (wink, wink).
If you read the book, you would know what I mean by this. Hot daum! Kate Bateman, where did you come from? You’re like one of those predators in the jungle at night, stalking their prey. Waiting for that precise moment to jump out and attack. Well I am your prey, and you just gobbled me up with your fantastic writing. It was unrelenting and I loved it. I said it. I L-O-V-E-D it! The writing was crisp.
It was sharp. I was captivated. The writer provided enough drama to keep me hanging on to each word. All the action and the sexual pleasures between Seb and Anya—. Hold up for just a second, before I go on further about the authors writing. Let’s discuss the leading character Seb. Seb. Seb. The man that could be the hero/ savior of any woman’s dream. He moved threw this book with swagger, charm, and dominance. Go on ahead and dominate me! You sexually charged, wicked man you. Where - is - the - release Lord Jesus?! Back to the writing. I enjoyed the witty banter among the characters.
This brought some light hearted moments to the book. The humor is well placed and timed. The suspense. The drama and the high intense romance is wrapped in a neat little bow within this romance story. Anya a princess, who is forced to flee her home country Russia.
She escapes the clutches of a madman and flees to London. She leads a disguised life in London as a companion, hoping that no one recognizes her. Little does she know that someone has been watching her from the shadows. Someone else notices her too. Seb mistakenly assumes Anya is a working lady.
Words are exchanged and things uptick to the next heated level. Later, the two meet again when Anya’s past comes back to lay claim on something that is not his. Anya decides that she must flee again. In her hasty escape with Sebs aunt, mayhem breaks out. Once the smoke clears, Anya finds herself back in London, trying desperately to hide from her past.
Seb believes there something off with Anya , but he can’t put his finger on it. Trying to figure out what to do with Anya, Seb hires her on to transcribe Russian documents for the Bow Street Runners. The action and suspense picks up from there, with mad villains hiring roughings to kidnap and beat people. Documents are stolen and traitors are smoked out from their hiding places. While all this is happening around them, Seb finds Anya utterly irresistible and he absolutely needs her under him.
Anya feels the same way. First of all. Anya, if you are going to make Seb sit in a chair and then order him to hold the back legs of a chair. Don’t sit there in fondle over him! Nooo!
You set the mans male anatomy free. Hop on him and ride like the wind and there is no tomorrow. Like your life depends on your ultimate release woman! Seb and Anya confess their feelings for one another when all heck breaks loose. The dead has arisen, traitors have been scammed, and someone has drunk a heavy dose of sleeping potion.
Oh my! Yes, I recommend this book with two snaps and a twist. Until next time my fellow readers... read on! I voluntary reviewed this ARC after receiving a free gifted copy. 25 Book Reviews