A review by ozgur_ozubek
Android: Free Fall by William H. Keith Jr.


to be honest, i found the author more of a dedective-thriller one then a scifi. what you read is a dedective story with bits of terms borrowed from Android card game.

"What is the true definition of humanity?" once you read this proposition, you happen to expect a "ghost in the shell" or "blade runner" drama. yet the author fails to meet my expectations.

I'm a fan and player of the Android: Netrunner card game. I started the book hoping to find icebreakers, deckers, ruthless corporations and their agendas,etc. None was in the book. just some mention of the famous decker "Noise" along with the descriptions of corporations. The author did not bother much to dive into the world of Netrunners and just delivered an average dedective thriller spiced with scifi terms.

i found some reviews crediting the author for the marvelous environment, for Beanstalk, corporations, New Angeles, bioriods, etc. Hear me guys, they are all borrowed from the game. they are not the creation of the author.