A review by tien
The True Story of Butterfish by Nick Earls


Curtis Holland moved into a new house after his band, Butterfish, broke up. While the band was quite successful, they are worn out and Curtis, being a quiet and much of a loner, was looking forward to some alone time. And also some time to finally catch up with his brother, Patrick. Though he managed to sort things out with Patrick, he didn't quite get his quiet contemplation of a life as he was drawn into the family life of his neighbour. This family isn't that remarkable but I guess after a remarkable life, he needed the normal dose.

There were some funny moments but unlike other Earls' novels, I found that this wasn't as funny but a lot more touching. Curtis, as a character, was easily likeable and he grew a lot in this story to become more of a man than boy. I loved the brother/sibling relationship and also the relationship he's built with the family next door.