A review by elsiebrady
The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable by Amitav Ghosh


Such an interesting approach to Climate Change. The topic is very depressing but he offers hope at the end. Hope in humanity but the grand disappointment is that since this was printed in 2016 the US president has declared Climate Change a farce and pulled out of the Paris Agreement (which wasn't perfect but at least a start). The American people are in denial but as Ghosh points out that is related to our Eurocentric egoism: the I v. Community mentality. There is no incentive for the individual in a carbon consuming country to reduce emissions. Warnings began as early as 1930 but world powers, imperialism, free market (is there really such a thing) and egocentric consumers have ignored or invalidated the scientific research suggesting our need to change. One thing of which I am certain: the earth will survive, she will just eradicate all those who have contributed to her demise and many who have not even had an opportunity to contribute but are more unjustly affected by the changes.