A review by samnopal
We Can Build You by Philip K. Dick


Review copied from reddit

This book is weird. The characters are weird. The most rational characters in this book are the simulacra (androids) of Edwin Stanton and Abraham Lincoln. All the human characters are plagued by possible mental health disorders from nuclear fallout in the past BUT maybe they aren't and there is just a rash of mental health professionals misdiagnosing people in order to get them committed.

If other people have it, why don't I?

The simulacra were neat. Stanton was an old codger who ended up integrating well into the future and successfully running his own company after being wooed by a billionaire. Lincoln oscillates between being the benevolent guide and sinking into his own depression about existence. He pops in to guide our main protagonist Rosenbaum in a plan to foil his main competitor.
Rosenbaum was all over the place. His growing fascination with Pris, the secondary main character maybe?, was irrational and crazed concluding with him threatening the life of another man repeatedly and awkwardly. Only to be told later that his condition may have not been real?
There are two stories in this novel, the simulacra and mental health disorders and reality. They almost blend, but Lincoln and Stanton are dumped 2/3rd of the way in for a jaunt into a mental health clinic.

Not one of the better PKD novels, but still worth the read and funny in places.