A review by kaleidoscopekai
Anthem by Ayn Rand


i’m going to write what is probably a controversial take. I liked this book. ish.
I didn’t know who Ayn Rand was before i picked this up and frankly i wish i didn’t. i hate pretty much everything she stands for, and when it comes down to the philosophy behind this book i wholeheartedly disagree. I don’t think the answer to freedom is total death of a community. I also don’t think that socialism equates to totalitarianism, as she seems to be linking the two.
based on the writing alone i would give it four stars. however, i don’t like the ableism or the sexism, or the general messages/themes of the book.
i’m going to give it two stars because while i like the writing style and the general plot of the book (especially the exploration of personal pronouns), i not only disagree with the morals of the story but i don’t even think she did it well. Everything the main character learns by himself was gained from a previous collective. And if the collective is so bad and evil, why aren’t the books and the tools his predecessors used condemned as well. He didn’t invent electricity, he rediscovered it. There’s a difference.