A review by relly
The Christmas Fling by Heidi Cullinan


Was wishing for more

3.25 stars 🌟

I’m a big fan of the Minnesota Christmas series which this is a spin off, so I think I was expecting more from this one.

Both Evan and Terry had their own set of issues and this to me made it hard to connect with either character. Evan’s issues were easier for me to pick out and understand, so I had more sympathy for his feelings. It was great seeing the characters from the previous series befriend him and stick up for him, and with each new friend he made and as he became more independent I cheered for him.
But with Terry, as someone who has never suffered from or had friends or family who suffered from what he suffered with, it was hard for me to understand and sympathise with him. The miscommunication went on for a long time and the further it kept going on the less sympathy I had for Terry. When it was explained what was going on I understood better, it was nearly too late at that point, also I thought tat a lot of work was put into getting to that point, but then the recovery and rebuilding was kind of rushed through

I’ll still read the next one next year