A review by zeezeemama11
Joshua Weissman: An Unapologetic Cookbook by Joshua Weissman


This was a beautiful cookbook. I'm rating it 3.75 stars for its intimidation factor. Ticky tacky I know. (It has the most apt title) Cooking fresh and from scratch is key. Your end result is all based off the materials you use. I do make my own pasta sauce on occasion. My own bread when I can. I've never made my own pasta but its on my To Do list. Right now I have no bandwidth to do this weekly! Baby steps. I greatly enjoyed the cookbook but kept shaking my head because it read like a fantasy book to me. It is not feasible with our on the go lifestyle. And we do a lot of cooking and prep at home for meals throughout the week. I shall pick you up later Mr. Weissman cookbook and rate your book differently. But right now you are scary in all your cookiness.