A review by verlkonig
The Lamentation of Their Women by Kai Ashante Wilson


The Lamentation of Their Women (great title btw) is an evil stinking pot of loathing, blood, and barbarity, left to simmer on an outrageous revenge fantasy and served with a side of political depression.

Kai Ashante Wilson has an exceedingly powerful voice and he uses it in such an intense capacity that its impossible not to be swept up in the flood of his vitriol. His story is very well written, and politically charged, which I'm aware is not for everyone. His voice adds to the many that are speaking up against police brutality and racism in the US, in an extreme way.

Of course, hate plus hate does not lead to a happy ending. This is in no way what the author is suggesting. This is a revenge fantasy, nothing more, utterly outrageous and exaggerated. It's a twisted and violent. It's quite a lot of fun.

The only reason I went for 3 stars is because I was not keen on the characters. Both MCs feel very real, very flawed, running on sadism, and I couldn't really enjoy them. Plus, I wanted a little more information about some aspects of this story, especially towards the end, which seemed kind of sudden and didn't give me any kind of closure.