A review by shidoburrito
Break My Heart 1,000 Times by Daniel Waters


So take a look at this cover and judge what the book will be about, like I did. I set this book aside because my judgement was: "Oh the girl on this cover looks pissed, and judging by the title, she must have gone through a tough breakup and is out for revenge." It looks like that, right? WRONG! I could never be more wrong! This book is amazing and creepy! No, this girl, Veronica, is haunted by ghosts, like everyone else in the world, because after the Event, images of people that had departed the world come back for brief moments to play out a snippet of their life, to be played over and over again. And no wonder she looks haunted, her dead father appears at the kitchen table at the same time every morning to read the same newspaper and take the same sip of coffee before disappearing. Everyone is haunted by these images, and while many have learned to live with it, some can't. Like Veronica's friend. Or her history teacher August Bittner, who is haunted by the girls he has killed, and he will kill again, because Veronica may be the one whom he can kill to bring his daughter back to life.

Yeah, Mr. Bittner may have been one of the creepiest characters I have ever read. Even though this book's events of the Event and ghosts/images are unrealistic, the character of Mr. Bittner was realistically insane.