A review by bmahaffy
Jealousy Survival Guide: How to Feel Safe, Happy, and Secure in an Open Relationship by Elisabeth Sheff, Kitty Chambliss


I totally enjoyed this book. Self help books seem to fall into a couple of different camps; some more like an intellectual lecture and others with practical and useful exercises. This book definitely falls into the latter.

Jealousy is a "big" emotional and Chambliss offers loads of good insight into why we feel it and how to (and how not to) cope with your emotional responses. She's got a great sense of humour, uses some personal examples, and provides some good exercises and practical tools to help.

Interesting, too, is that a lot of the books insight's into processing jealousy in polyamorous relationships apply to other emotions and other relationship types as well. Parent/child relationships and monogamous partnerships can benefit from the ideas surrounding detachment and non-violent communications.