A review by nwhyte
Speculative Fiction 2012 by Daniel Goodman, Gav Thorpe, Aidan Moher, Justin Landon, Niall Alexander, Jared Shurin, Penny Schenk, Lavie Tidhar, Niall Harrison, Elizabeth Bear, Chris Gerwel, Christopher Garcia, Larry Nolen, Matt Hilliard, Myke Cole, N.K. Jemisin, Ana Grilo, Christopher Priest, Dan Hartland, Kate Elliott, Ro Smith, Liz Bourke, Cynthia Martinez, Aishwarya Subramanian, Katherine Farmar, Mur Lafferty, Adam Roberts, Maureen K. Speller, Foz Meadows, Abigail Nussbaum, Martin McGrath, Stefan Raets, Matthew Surridge, Thea James, Tansy Rayner Roberts, C.S. Samulski, Rochita Loenen-Ruiz, Kameron Hurley, Jonathan McCalmont, Sam Sykes, Maurice Broaddus, Paul Kincaid, Ken Neth, R.B. Lemberg, Sarah Anne Langton, Joe Abercrombie, Tim Maughan, Daniel Abraham, Rob Berg


http://nwhyte.livejournal.com/2307449.html[return][return]I am easily pleased sometimes. This is a collection of online commentary on sf which was published in 2012, pulling together the sorts of essays I always like reading and wish I could write more often. All the usual suspects are here - in-depth examinations of race and gender as they are manifested in the genre, but also simple critiques of writing as writing. It's not perfect - the internal ordering of the pieces seems half thought through (is it alphabetical by author's first name? Not quite, but if not, then what?) and I would have dropped most of the shorter pieces in favour of some more long ones - but I was pretty sure from an early stage that I would give it a high place on my Hugo ballot. Then I reached page 297 and found my own name in the first line. Yep, I'm easily pleased.