A review by jeminijem
Magic Academy by Jillian Keep


This is a great popcorn read for anyone who LOVES YA books and is looking for something a bit more graphic in the sex department. If you're looking for a stereotypical YA Twilight/Harry Potter/50 Shades of Gray mash up, this is going to be FANTASTIC for you.

As for the rest of us... eh, depends on how much you enjoy wasting time on empty popcorn reads. There was a serious lack of depth and description and an absence of reason which bothered me because I wanted to think harder about this world building than the author was allowing. The way the school ran just doesn't seem realistic for any natural order world.

Also, The sex kind of threw me for a loop as I know this is suppose to be "New Adult" but the characters all read like they were around 14 at the oldest, which is part of why I wasn't totally in love with this book; it was weird when I imagine everyone as teens and then they start going at it around 60%. Firia being the worst of the acts too young for her age offender while being pretty Mary Sue at the same time.

and the biggest offense that really really made me mad was the abusive nature of the relationship between Firia and Varuj. There is alpha male, and then there is abusive and controlling. I will give kudos to the fact this didn't have a happy mushy stereotypical paranormal romance ending.

***I received a free ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.***