A review by booksandlemonsquash
No Big Deal by Bethany Rutter


From a body positivity perspective, this book is perfect. It is exactly the refreshing take on it that I wanted.

From a story perspective, I did find it a little predictable. But then, I’m not sure that matters, as the overall message is what’s important.

Emily is definitely the sort of girl I’d want to be friends with. Her doubts about her size and its impact on her life never affect her knowledge that she’s comfortable in who she is.

I did want it to be a little less boy focused, and for the message Emily delivers to drive home to a particular character, though. It would have been good to see a little more of who she was outside of all that. We see a little, but other than a rushed essay we don’t really get to see why she doubts about uni and subjects or her passions.

However this is definitely something I’d recommend just because it really shows how plus size people can still be beautiful, have self confidence, and also how hurtful the comments of others can be.

3.5 stars.