A review by kerveros
My Sister Sarah by Victor Pemberton


A while back (like a year and a half ago) my godmother gave my mother a number of books to read - I was given them to read first being the quicker reader, which is how I came to read this...

So, what do we have in this book - a hell of a lot of predictability (granted there are some very very minor surprise type things thrown in here and there), some sisters at war (though that can also be considered predictable) and.... not much else.

The characters are bland and I didn't give a damn about any of them and if they succeeded in life - you need at least one interesting/likeable character in a book in my opinion.

This was obviously not my cup of tea and although I don't read books in this genre a lot I have been known to enjoy them - this one... not so much. In fact, this was a snoozefest if I am honest. It is probably a tad better than many of my one star reads over the last 3/4 years on this site ergo it's two star rating.