A review by joyfilledwander
The Day of Atonement, by David Liss


This book was read for my 2016 Reading Challenge Around the World in 80 Books

I can’t believe how long it took me to finish this book! Partly, I blame myself, but partly I blame David Liss as well. I was really excited to read this book based on it’s premise. And there was such a narrative that should have moved this story along at lightning speed. And maybe for some people, it did. But I was not one of those people. I crawled through this story. I had to renew my loan at the library. I kept telling myself to finish it because I already said I had started it on my blog. But I can’t really explain why this book took me so long.

The Day of Atonement is the story of Sebastian Foxx, or as he once was called Sebastião Raposa. Sebastião escapes Portugal as a child during the height of the Inquisition, and builds a new life in England. But in his heart, he knows he must return to Portugal and avenge, or maybe atone, those who destroyed his childhood. He reunites with former foes and friends, past loves and new flames, and the plot wavers on. I guess I didn’t like all the twists and turns Sebastião’s storyline takes. He came to Portugal for one specific reason. And then he gets caught up in other people’s drama that I kept rolling my eyes over. There were too many coincidences and happenstances for me. But maybe it was just me.