A review by rva_reader
Christmas Ever After by Karen Schaler


As a Christmas Hallmark and Bachelorette fan, there was so much to love in this story.

Riley is a romance writer, who’s last book struggled so her publisher asked her to write a Christmas book and host a Christmas camp to drum up interest. During a promotional interview, her words were taken out of context and interpreted that she had one great love instead of 3 great loves that were in her past. As a result, her old boyfriends all show up at the Christmas camp to surprise her.

The writing was easy and enjoyable. I enjoyed the development of the main character. The only negative was I almost felt like there were added storylines that weren’t necessary. I think it could have been a really sweet story without the addition of the last boyfriends. Although I understand their importance, I don’t think quite enough time was spent on them because they took away from the main romance. I loved all the Christmas talk. Despite how much I love Hallmark Christmas movies, this was actually my first Christmas book! It was a good first one to check out. I could definitely see this as a movie!

I want to thank Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my opinions.