A review by readercecc6
Meant for Her by Amy Gamet



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This one really stretched the bonds of science and my "wtf" meter. It was a fluffy romantic suspense with elements of the paranormal. You had to really ignore plot holes and inconsistencies in order to enjoy the story. If that sounds like too much work then I suggest you skip this one. Otherwise, it really wasn't too bad. The romance was instalust and made absolutely no sense (Naval officer falls for suspected spy/traitor after one convo) but I really enjoyed the code breaking elements of the story even though I didn't understand most of it. The heroine's aunt was a great character but the villain was too OTT, making the h/H appear even dumber than they already proved themselves to be. Also, I know this is a fluffy read, but common! The heroine was shot in the back three times, piercing her lungs FFS, but she's in perfect health less than a week later instead of lying in a hospital bed somewhere.