A review by calistareads
Free Fall by David Wiesner


This is not really a story, but an exploration of someones dream. It is a wordless book so my nephew loved it and he came up with quite a story. We always let the nephew tell us the story with a wordless book as he can read it. He comes up with out-there stories, but they are funny and exciting and they don’t always relate to the material.

The artwork is very dreamlike here, of course. What I love about this is how one thing flows and melts into another thing or scene. The checkered bedspread becomes a landscape as you would see from an airplane. The landscape becomes a checkerboard with talking pieces which become a castle. I mean the associations David is making are brilliant. I love how the trees are also the opposite of the spine of a book. It’s the pages part. It’s fantastic.

David is brilliant and man, he put some work into this. I think it’s fabulous. It’s not my favorite as I don’t think it’s as coherent as some of his other stories, but it’s still wonderful. I would love to own this. I haven’t seen a David book I did not like of his thus far. I’m working through his catalog.

The nephew gave this 5 stars and the niece gave it 3 stars. She wanted more of a story and she thought the artwork was special, she didn’t see the point of it.