A review by popthebutterfly
Last Memoria by Rachel Emma Shaw


Disclaimer: I received this e-arc from the author. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Last Memoria

Author: Rachel Emma Snow

Book Series: Memoria Duology

Rating: 3.5/5

Publication Date: May 10, 2020

Genre: YA Fantasy

Recommended Age: 15+ (memory loss, stealing memories, slight violence, some romance,… did I say memory loss?)

Publisher: Indie Published

Pages: 253

Amazon Link

Synopsis: Sarilla has learnt one thing from stealing memories. Everybody lies.

There's nothing Sarilla hates more than stealing memories, but the king forces her to take them to keep his subjects in line. She wants to escape to where nobody knows what she is or what she can do, but her plans go awry when she runs into Falon.

Falon has a six month void in his memories that he's desperate to restore. He doesn't know why they were taken or what they contained, nor why the man he loves is acting so cagily about what happened during that time. He hopes to use Sarilla to get back his stolen memories and doesn't care what she wants or why she's desperate to escape. She will help him get them back, whether she wants to or not.

Review: Overall, this was a good book. The plot is interesting and the book forces you to think constantly throughout the book. The book had okay character development, I felt it was too rushed though and didn’t give the character enough to realistically make the change. Overall, I really thought the book was intriguing.

However, I did have some issues with this book. I feel like it didn’t have any worldbuilding. There was a lot of room to expand on this world and I felt like it wasn’t taken advantage of. The pace was also incredibly fast and it felt like it was running a race.

Verdict: It’s a good story, but needs to be polished a bit more.