A review by kerryanndunn
Recommended for You by Laura Silverman


⁣“That is painfully kind. I might vomit. Or try to kiss him. Hopefully not both at the same time.”⁣

This book is A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. ⁣

Two Jewish teenagers working in a mall bookstore over the holidays competing to see who can sell the most books and falling for each other in the process???? SIGN ME ALL THE WAY UP. ⁣

The girl has two moms and the boy has a single mom and there is an adorable friend group and teenage angst and banter and pining and hard crushing and a car named Barbra Streisand and dreidel cookie baking and Chinese food on Christmas day. ⁣

Walking in the busy mall together, Shoshanna thinks this about Jake, “Jake disappears momentarily as a man who must be at least six feet five sidles between us. I’m not above admitting my pulse skips at Jake’s seconds-long absence, then skips again upon his reappearance. I like Jake at my side. I like being able to look at him out of the corner of my eye while pretending to look at store marquees and holiday decorations.”⁣

They are too cute.