A review by leah_rucci
One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London


4.5 stars***
i think this was a great debut novel!! as a more curvier girl myself i loved seeing that rep in this book. it really shows the struggle of life being a “bigger” girl. i loved the concept of the book. i think it was executed greatly. i can’t wait to see more writing from kate. she did an amazing job!!!
also LOVEEEE asher, wyatt, and sam. truly amazing characters.
i really relate to bea so that was also a great aspect. one thing i didn’t like was how long the chapters/episodes were. but i completely understand why they were like that because it was supposed to replicate episodes in a reality tv show. even though for the long chapters, i seriously couldn’t put the book down. the writing style was amazing. all around an amazing book, i do 100% recommend.