A review by reading_addict_lemon
Identity Crisis by Melissa Schorr


Original post on Reading Addict

I went into this book without expectations, to be honest, because this genre is a hit or miss for me. And this time it was a hit!

This book kept me busy for few hours and I had so much fun reading it, trying to guess what was going to happen, and I failed, and I ended caring so much for the characters, even though I tried not to.

But I can't speak about the plot without giving you spoilers, so I'll shut up. But I can tell you that if you want a fun and easy read this is perfect. If you want something romantic and fluffy this is good. And also, if you like revenge stories and things that turn up completely different in the end then this is a good pick.

Identity crisis is a novel that deals with a ton of stuff, even if is short and you read it so fast, the tone is light and you have the impression that everything is pink and happy as the cover. But if you look closer and you read between the lines, more serious themes are discussed and really well, to be honest. Especially this read being a YA contemporary and you don't expect that to happen. I didn't. And also the fact that we have the insta-messages makes the lecture even more fun and full of suspense.

I wasn't expecting this book to keep me guessing and play with my mind, and hit me with so many twists and turns and I'm so glad that I've read it. It left me with a smile on my face and a warm feeling inside. This is a great book for young readers but also if you read other genres or you are older than the characters. Because putting the highschool life aside, you can feel the serious nuances and issues thrown in it, between funny and fluffy things. You can see the consequences of something that started just innocent and people paying for it. You can take this book both serious and entertaining, and I think that is a win-win for everyone.

You can read this if you want something easy, relaxing, with romance and drama, or you can read it if you want revenge, twists, action, suspense and more serious stuff. You can read it as a teenager or older and I think you'll have lots of fun! I did!